Perhaps you've prepared for this, because you plan to paint your apartment or buy some new furniture or appliances at that time. 也许你以为此有所准备,因为那会儿你打算粉刷你的住所,或者购置新家具或家电。
The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. 一定要把表面打磨好再开始粉刷。
( art) the surface ( as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting. (艺术用语)画画时用来做画布的面(可以是墙或帆布)。
Position the pointer over any canvas resize handle and drag to scale. ( art) the surface ( as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting. 将光标放在画布调整控点上并拖动以缩放画布。(艺术用语)画画时用来做画布的面(可以是墙或帆布)。
Synthesis of Acrylic Emulsion and Prepared of Acrylic Latex Paint 全丙乳液的合成及乳胶漆的制备
The waterborne rusted antirust paint with excellent comprehensive properties was prepared with phenylacrylic emulsion as basic material and red-iron and zinc phosphate as main antirust pigment, the influencing factors on paint properties were discussed. 介绍了以铁红、磷酸锌等为主要防锈颜料,苯丙乳液为基料的综合性能优良的水性防锈涂料的制备,并对影响涂料性能的因素进行了分析。
Influence of tio_2/ pmma prepared by ultrasonic emulsification on the performance of emulsion paint 超声乳化法制备TiO2/PMMA及其在乳胶漆中的影响
The prepared paint has been applied to civil gas cooker. it can raise flame temperature> 80 ℃, thermal efficieney 8%~ 10% and gas saving> 12%. 该产品已应用于民用燃气灶的节能装置,该装置可提高火焰温度80℃以上,提高热效率8%~10%,节约燃气12%以上。
Since hollow glass particles have a high heat resistance, the authors of this article studied the process of enwrap hollow glass particles with TiO_2, and prepared near-infrared reflecting paint with reflectivity of more than 80% to near-infrared ray. 本文作者利用空心玻璃微珠的高热阻,研究了用TiO2包覆的空心玻璃微珠作热反射材料的方法,并制备了对近虹外线反射率超过80%的涂料。
Result shows that the scrub resistance of the prepared paint is significant, exceeding 10 000 times. 结果表明,其耐洗刷性能有很大提高,可以达到10000次以上。
In addition, exterior latex paint was prepared with the synthesized emulsion, and the influence of core-shell emulsion on the stain resistance of exterior latex paint was studied. 并采用自制乳液配制了外墙乳胶涂料,研究了核壳乳液对外墙涂料耐沾污性的影响。
A reasonable formulation for epoxy zinc-rich shop primer was designed through many experiments, the prepared film property was complyed with national standard, and the paint reduced the pollution. 通过大量的试验研究,设计了一个合理的环氧富锌车间底漆配方,制备出的涂料漆膜性能符合国家标准,且降低了涂料整体的污染程度。
This paper mainly studied the formula composition of water-borne one component polyurethane wood finish and its primer, and prepared the wood surface paint and supporting primer with excellent comprehensive performance. 本文主要研究了水性单组分聚氨酯木器面漆及其底漆的配方组成,制备了一种综合性能优异的木器面漆和底漆。
All kinds of means, such as FT-IR 、 TG 、 wrapping angle 、 polarization curve and AC impedance and so on, were adopted to study the performance of different prepared paint. 采用红外、热重、接触角、极化曲线以及交流阻抗等手段对制备涂料的性能进行了研究。